I always rewrite each day up to the point where I stopped. When it is all finished, naturally you go over it. You get another chance to correct and rewrite when someone else types it, and you see it clean in type. The last chance is in the proofs. You’re grateful for these different chances.

Ernest Hemingway


It is surprising, really, how many layers there are to a simple electronic newsletter.

From the call for writers to the proofing and editing of articles by the newsletter committee to the formatting into the design template, there are a number of steps in getting this publication ready for distribution.

Recently, the volunteers that serve on the newsletter committee met to review open and click-through data to better understand what is working, and what isn’t. As a result they have identified some short term fixes and some long term solutions. Some changes you will see in the September issue and others you will recognize as improvements or enhancements over the next several months.

One of the areas we will be focusing our attention will be in the categorizing, searchability and retrieval of archived content. Articles that have been contributed over the years are rich in information and have relevance to the practice of association management today. We want to make this content available to anyone who has an interest or need and to make the retrieval of these articles user friendly.

We recognize that our readers have a lot on their plates and therefore less time to consume online content. Plus, aren’t we always competing with social media (and dare I say it, with low attention spans) to make an impression?  For this reason we are going to be streamlining the delivery of FORUM content to desktops to encourage higher open rates and better reader engagement.

Enjoy the rest of the summer!


Respectfully submitted,

Constance Wrigley-Thomas, CAE – Essentient Association Management

CSAE Trillium Chapter Board of Directors/FORUM Editor