The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, together with the Anglican Church of Canada, lifts up the Seventh Sunday of Easter as Jerusalem and the Holy Land Sunday.

Congregations and ministries are encouraged to include the following prayer, and other possible recognitions on Sunday, June 2, 2019.

Further resources from the Anglican Church of Canada are available here:

A Prayer for Peace in Jerusalem and the Holy Land
– Seventh Sunday of Easter

God of all peoples, acknowledging the significance of Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the history and lives of Jews, Christians and Muslims; and aware of political and social conflicts in the State of Israel and surrounding nations, and global involvement and tensions focused on this region; we pray for justice and lasting peace, compassion and hope for all peoples of these lands. As you hear the cries of those who suffer, grant them new life. Continue to uphold the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan and the Holy Land and Bishop Ibrahim Azar, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and Archbishop Suheil, and supporting organizations and agencies working for the wellbeing of all. Amen.