Message from the Chair by Randi Glass
Happy new year everyone…and welcome to 2020!
I was giving some thought to the theme of these brief remarks, and was torn between two common “resolutions” often declared in January – either “Say Yes To Everything” or “Learn To Say No”. Both valid, and yet contradictory…so in the spirit of associations always striving for consensus, I went with both!
This year at work I plan to say “yes” to pilot projects to expand our reach across Canada; say “yes” to eager volunteers with some unconventional proposals; say “yes” to staff requests for flexibility; say “yes” to more awareness of the environmental impact of our work output (particularly paper), and how to change that. At home, I will say “yes” to new foods and “yes” to finally cleaning out the basement! And I will say “yes” to my mother (as much as possible) because time is precious.
At the same time, I will learn to say “no” to negativity; say “no” to the way things have always been done; say “no” when I legitimately don’t have the time without feeling guilty; say “no” to my irrational phobia of swimming pools. And say “no” to the second helping (well, most of the time).
I see the new year – and now the new decade – as a clean slate. Time to start a new story, balancing the “yes” and “no”. What story will you be writing?