Getting to Know Council — Marion Tripp

The CSAE Trillium Network Council represents members across our regional network. Get to know the volunteers who make up the Council in this ongoing segment. Each Council member was asked to answer questions about their professional and personal lives to share a little of themselves.

What was your personal or professional motivation to join Council?

I initially joined CSAE as a Business member over 10 years ago, transitioned to an Executive member and then recently transitioned back to a Business member representing The Talent Company. This path has afforded me a unique lens and opportunity to give back to both my professional and personal communities. People join CSAE because of their career but they stay a lifetime because of the people. I wanted to be a part of that legacy.

What do you wish all members knew about Council?

How dedicated the Council members are to make it the best experience for our members. We value all of our member relationships recognizing the need to strive to achieve a balance of activities and programming that optimally serve multiple age ranges, career levels and experience.

Other than Council, what committees are you involved in?

Currently, for the 2021-22 programming year, I am Chair of the PDX Committee and assist with the Summer Summit and the Holiday Event Committees. Over the years I have also participated on the Membership Committee, the Winter Summit Committee as well as several previous Summer Summit and PDX committees.

What three words would your best friend use to describe you?

Well, when I asked my long-time best friend of many (and I mean VERY many) years, the words she used were “social, enterprising and loyal”. Knowing her for as long as I have, I’m pretty sure there are a few others, but let’s quit while I’m ahead!

When you have 30 minutes of free time, what do you like to do?

Anyone who knows me knows that I love classic rock and dance; one or the other but better together!

What is the worst piece of advice you have ever received?

Any sentence that started with “You shouldn’t…”

What is your proudest accomplishment?

If I contributed in any way to the wonderful young man that my son Connor has grown into, that would be my greatest joy and accomplishment. But he owns the credit for the man that he is.

Marion Tripp is the Customer Engagement & Experience Manager at The Talent Company, a full-service Human Resources Consultancy and Career Partners International Firm, offering Recruitment, Leadership Development & Coaching, Compensation & Total Rewards and Career Transition services. Connect with Marion on LinkedIn.